You will want to read this book with a highlighter in hand
because the aha moments and that's just like me moments
will leave you marking many passages.
Janet Wellington
Award-winning author, editor and teacher
"This is a lovely book, beautifully written, subtly presented but
with important messages. The author offers us ideas, suggestions,
direction for tackling our own demons, finding meaning and direction
in our life. Because the writing is so smooth and even, we hardly
know we are being told what we might do, how we can overcome
our own travails and become stronger, more loving individuals. The
writing goes down with great ease and from a woman who has done
great work on herself, the material is capable of evoking provocative
thought and change in those who can relate."
- Jean Fredette, Editor/Writer & Former Acquisitions Editor, Writer's Digest
"I have read many books of this genre, but none have stirred me to re-think my thinking. I enjoyed reading it and return to many passages."
- Jim (last name withheld), retired
"Very lyrical and heartfelt."
- Carolyn Hayes Uber, Stephens Press
"I have been intently searching for healing and happiness for most of my life.
I have read every self-help book I could get my hands on and signed up for
many workshops to work on me. I am reading "A Sweet Breath of Life" for
the second time. I want to carefully reread and absorb more of the thoughtful
writings of Luzanne Lucas. Her book is beautifully written, inspirational and
gently guides you to break from the past and connect to your true heart and
soul. I am now taking sweet breaths often and desire to connect everyday to
the energy of love and a sweet, happy life."
- Joan Coon, Health & Wellness Coach
"Very insightful and inspiring -- a 'must read' for everyone, and one of the best personal growth books I've ever read -- coming from a very unique perspective."
- Bruce Kriese, Las Vegas business owner
"This pleasant-to-read book is a voyage through the life of an obviously genteel lady, whose confidence that we could all be happy shines through. Her voice throughout is sincere, kind, and encouraging that all of us could be happy with the hand we've been dealt if we'd just slow down and take some sweet breaths of life. I found myself wishing my own mother could have been more like her."
- George Campling, teacher
"I just loved this book. All the cover blurbs were true."
- Linda Meylan, Third Ager